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Do you want to discover, put into practice and develop all the facets of being a facilitator? You are at the right place.

At Wild is the Game, we like to work in packs and keep each other warm.

We all had very different backgrounds and skills before becoming facilitators at Wild, but what brought us together is who we are: nerds, in love with hard work, able to progress in the job with humility, and for whom solidarity comes first.

Does that sound like you? At Wild is the Game, you can choose from three jobs:


You design and facilitate productive workshops and collaborative exercises. This doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re a lead facilitator, you can also be part of the facilitation team.

In concrete terms, it means designing fantastic workshops with your client. On the big day, you are supported by a facilitation team that ensures the work phases are smooth and efficient. Before you can do all this, you learn our methods with us.

A few pluses if you want to apply: you know the language of organizations, advanced facilitation techniques or you are very creative. Oh, and of course, you can work in English 🙂

Business Development

You support our clients to help them purchase Wild is the Game services.

You participate in prospection. You accompany our clients and facilitators to meetings and manage the sale of services (drafting sales proposals, negotiating, signing contracts).

You don’t get cold feet and know how to talk to the boss of a big listed company as well as to an expert who knows nothing about your job.

Graphic Facilitation

You facilitate workshops or conventions, but that’s not all.

To be a graphic facilitator, being good at drawing is not enough and is not the decisive factor (contrary to what you might think!).

The ability to collect the right messages, prioritize information and bring coherence to the visual representation are key skills to be a good graphic facilitator. This talent is expressed both live (“scribing”) and before or after workshops (modeling, presentations, etc.). So if you have the power of the marker, our door is wide open!

Other jobs: traditional jobs of today’s companies, some traditional jobs of tomorrow’s companies…

Discover the team


The first 10 years are the hardest, then you get used to it.

trait rose


the number of current members in the team

trait rose


level of love within the team

trait rose





Join the pack


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