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High Value Workshop


Tailor-made workshops for your high stakes

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Tailor-made workshops to solve complex problems or take a major step forward using collective intelligence.

Tailor-made workshop to reach a key milestone

You know workshops are efficient. But with your challenges this year, you would need to bring together quite a lot of stakeholders, and that makes you nervous. Cheer up. Wild is the Game’s High Value Workshops give you the opportunity to run very ambitious workshops. The method is designed to lead effective workshops with up to 1,000 people over 3 days.

A High Value Workshop is designed for leaders who need to get their troops to the next level without risking a stalemate. Do you have a goal and need to use collective intelligence to figure out how to achieve it? If so, a High Value Workshop is made for you.

The High-Value Workshop’s power comes from three pillars:

A co-design phase

that helps the sponsor group grow.

A tailor-made design

for the 2- or 3-day workshop.

A team of facilitators

who are dedicated and highly experienced, who support the sponsors and participants throughout the workshop.

Pace, fun, productivity, and robustness

We are by your side at all key moments: from the build-up to the event to realistically planning its outcome.

A High-Value Workshop is intense, fast-paced, fun, and productive. It is a clever mix of top-down, bottom-up, and peer-to-peer. Throughout the workshop, our team makes you agile and enhances your leadership style. Collaboration is a powerful solution for decision-making, transformation, and robustness. To ensure the group grasps the complexity without ever getting bogged down, we come at if from many different angles and using various working methods.

Two requirements must be met before launching a High-Value Workshop:

  • A small group of decision-makers must be determined to commit to an approach that will mobilize them intensely (and shake up their habits).
  • A project with strategic value and/or a range of actors to involve or who will provide contributions.
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Some goals of High-Value Workshops

  • Establish or make a strategic plan flow
  • Initiate or pace a transformation
  • Mobilize a community
  • Successfully reorganize
  • Get ready for next year
  • Merge entities or companies
  • Accelerate a program
  • Change ways of working
  • Achieve a participative approach


High Value Workshops conducted with large companies

trait rose


different facilitation skills to build THE facilitation dream team

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proven productive modules to create a tailor-made design

trait rose

Discover our other services and formats

Online workshop

Convention Hacking

Cross Fertilizer

Projects on Steroids

Train the trainer

Maker Power

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